The practice of yoga blends so beautifully with so many other wellness systems that it has become a truly universal modality. One of its many fascinating partnerships is the combination of yoga and ancient Chinese philosophies. If you’re curious about the relationship between yoga and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), for example, you’ll love reading about the 5 elements of TCM and their importance in yin yoga.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on the journey of the vital life force (or Qi) through the body. All things in our lives contribute to Qi, including the air we breathe, the food we eat, the environment we live in, our thoughts and our emotions. This energy flows within our body along pathways which travel through every muscle, organ, and bone in our body. Practising Yin Yoga helps us move this energy through the body to bring it back into harmony.

In Chinese Medicine, the Five Elements represent the five unique energies that are present in all things throughout nature. These include Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth. Each element expresses itself differently depending on where it’s found and also manifests in our body organs, emotions, and personalities.

When Qi is moving through our body freely, the Five Elements are said to be in balance, as Qi needs to be moving constantly for optimum health. But imbalances between the Five Elements and their corresponding energetic channels (meridians) can cause the Qi to either stagnate, or become excessive, affecting our wellbeing.

If you are a yoga practitioner, who’s curious to discover more about the five elements and how they come into play in Yin Yoga, keep reading.

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