A very simple and effective energy wellness technique that absolutely anyone can master. Possessing knowledge of energies. a person can heal himself and others. Also, energy is used for developmental purposes - to improve the person himself from a physical and energy point of view. We're brushing our teeth! We're washing! We're going to the bathroom! It is we who clean the physical body. But you also need to remember that there is an energetic body that needs the same procedures.
Preparation for energy therapy!!!!
An hour before therapy, it is necessary to: 1. give up smoking,
2. remove from a stressful situation,
3.refrain from eating,
After therapy, you need to!!!!!!
1.walk outside for 15/20 minutes, not drive for 30 minutes,
3.refrain from drinking alcohol for a week, 4. let go of all negative situations and be in a neutral position,
5. at work, during the week, do not plan big deals.
Important !!!!!!!!
If one of the conditions is not met, I have the right to refuse therapy to the patient!